
All tracks from album Sabitsuku Made have been released.

3rd album
Sabitsuku Made
12 tracks
Release date: January 20, 2021

3rd album release by Miyashita Yuu
The third album and the first in two years by Miyashita Yuu, who uses the Internet as his main platform and is known for his distinct form of expression and a world of his own.
The album contains 12 tracks that are completely new, including ones written by Miyashita himself. The illustrations are also new and drawn by Miyashita.

01. エンドゲエム(作詞・作曲:かいりきベア)
02. 悪夢のララバイ(作詞・作曲:syudou)
03. es(作詞・作曲・編曲:宮下遊)
04. アノニマス・エゴイズム
(作詞:hotaru 作曲:Tom-H@ck,KanadeYUK, 編曲:KanadeYUK)
05. 君を論じたい(作詞・作曲:てにをは)
06. アート(作詞・作曲:カフ@)
07. Tisa(作詞・作曲:宮下遊)
08. カトリーナ(作詞・作曲:楽園市街)
09. ダリア(作詞・作曲:蜂屋ななし)
10. Coquetterie dancer(作詞・作曲:煮ル果実)
11. ハチェット(作詞・作曲:Mah) NEW
12. 輪廻転生(作詞・作曲:シャノン)
*In random order. Tracks and contents may change.